I have experienced this too many times. As I advance in life, I am learning to pick up on how people treat me much faster. My eyes are open to what I see vs. what I hear. Often times the people we are dealing with really know who we are and how we react and the things that we expect and they become accustomed to that. They learn us and they see how we wear our hearts on our sleeves. This is where they begin to strategize how they can benefit being a part of our lives. Along this journey that we may think is a growing relationship, they began to show the true colors of themselves. People's true colors are not hard to hide because it's who they really are. You can ask yourself for only so long. There are going to be some gaps in your behavior where your true inner self has to come out. When these gaps are displayed we should see the difference in them at these times. This is where my ears perk up and my eyes get big. And that's pretty big for those who know how big my eyes already are LOL! You don't get too many chances with me these days. My journey has strengthened my alert antenna. I shake my head when I see repetitive disrespect, mistreatment, or any level of inconsiderate behavior come from people in relationships. Some of us are so desperate to be in a relationship or even be friends with another person because there's history, because it's comfortable, or because they're just destined to see the good in that person.
I'm sorry but these are the times will you have to think of self! You have to protect yourself and your feelings. You have to know what you deserve and what you don't deserve. You have to know and understand there is giving on both sides of any relationship and not just taking. There shouldn't be an uneven balance in the duties of that relationship. Now don't get me wrong, I understand there are sometimes when you have to lean on your mate or your mate has to lean on you. I get that there will be some times when we need each other more for many reasons. And that's how it should be... SOME times; not all the time!
So when your mate or your friend show you who they really are, don't choose to ignore that because you want them to be like you or you just want to see the good in them. You have to really look again and make the choice to show them how to treat you or leave that relationship. Know what you deserve and what you are worth. It's not hard to figure out what makes you feel good inside and what makes you stress or worry. That inner gut feeling is the right feeling.