I have come to notice that in this day and age a lot of men are referring to their significant others, girlfriends, wives or whatever their titles are, as "dude" "bruh" or "man". In my opinion that's just as berating or degrading as calling me a bitch. Now on the other hand, I have seen and heard some ladies refer to their mates as "Bitch", "Pussy" or "Weak". Those are stingers too!!
We are becoming so accustomed to "dumbing-down" situations and making them acceptable. We are acting as if we are not bothered by those simple things, but then we become enraged over things that are actually simple! I'm confused! Are we now demanding respect only sometimes and not all the time? Are we expecting to be respected when we're in the mood to be respected? I thought respect was supposed to be given at all times.
This kind of imbalance can also cause problems in your relationship. You have to decide that respect is going to be given and received at all times and stick to that. Make it clear and evident that you are a man or woman that demands respect. Make it clear that you won't accept anything less than that.
Set the standards of your relationship with your significant other in the beginning and there won't be any assumptions. Don't lower them to accommodate or to pamper anyone with their issues. Address it when the disrespect occurs and stand your ground. If your mate does not accept your high level of standards or finds it too difficult to meet those standards then..GOODBYE, BYE BOO, BUH-BYE, SEE YA, SORRY CHARLIE, ADIOS, CIAO, ALOHA, HASTA LUEGO, HOLLA, PEACE, GIT, GET GONE, DEUCES, ETC.